Matthews build a bespoke incineration facility housed within a new dedicated building for the Department of Infrastructure at La Collette Jersey
- 24 h/day
- 7 days/week
- 312 days/year
- (7500h/year: 85.6%availability)
200kg/hr waste incineration facility in accordance with
the EUWID (Waste incineration directive 2000/76/EU).
the EUWID (Waste incineration directive 2000/76/EU).
Jersey, La Collette - Department of Infrastructure
- Bin weigh systems
- Bin handling and elevator systems
- Ram loader
- Stepped hearth primary combustion chamber
- 2 Second residence time secondary chamber @1100°C
- Diesel storage and delivery system
- Wet ash conveyor
- Hot gas transfer ducts
- Urea injection Nox reduction system
- Emergency bypass system
- Waste heat hot water heat exchanger
- Cool gas transfer ducts
- Activated carbon injection system
- Sodium Bicarbonate injection system
- Flue gas abatement system
- Compressed air system
- Continuous emission monitors
- Remotely monitored controls system
- Induced draught fan and acousticenclosure
- Exhaust Chimney
- Hot water recirculation system
- Hot water cooler
- Bin washing system
- Installation
- Commissioning
- Emission Testing

Bespoke Waste Incineration Plant in La Collette Jersey

Custom Waste Incineration Plant

Bespoke Waste Incineration System

Bespoke Waste Incineration System with Abatement Plant