The Future of Pet Cremation
Matthews Pet Cremation Systems offer the ultimate in performance and efficiency, across a broad range of equipment and service types. From low-volume individual cremators to massive, large-animal units suitable for equine or bovine use, Matthews animal cremators offer solutions for every type of crematory.
New to Pet Cremation?
Just like everything in pet care, pet cremation is a rapidly growing industry.
Learn how to get started in the industry and the steps to set your business up for success.
Field Service & Maintenance
From preventative maintenance to on-call field service,
our service teams can support any brand of crematory equipment, anywhere in the world.

We have a beautiful line of pet memorial products including pet urns, pet caskets, garden memorials and keepsake gifts to meet the memorialization needs of pet parents. Many can be personalized to add value and make the memorial more meaningful. Please feel free to browse our current catalog to view our chosen line of personalized memorials.