Animal waste is a by-product of many industries, from livestock to disease control, all coming with a variety of factors that go into a disposal plan. In the past, livestock and animals were buried, burned on open fires, or added to the ever-increasing landfill problem. Fortunately, with the onset of rigorous international environmental regulations and a greater awareness of the dangers of random disposal methods, the efficient technical incineration of organic waste is rapidly becoming the only acceptable solution.
The high cost of animal rendering and disposal is causing many waste producers to move to incineration. While adding a mobile incinerator or a complete bespoke plant is an investment, there are impressive cost savings by removing third-party disposal fees. Beyond eliminating the added cost of outsourcing disposal, animal waste incineration can also be converted into usable energy to help power your plant or other aspects of your facility. Energy recovery provides cost savings for your business and helps maintain environmentally friendly practices.
Browse Our Waste Incineration Systems
Browse our broad-range of waste incinerators designed for performance and high-environmental standards.
From Foot and Mouth Disease to Anthrax, many diseases can spread from improper disposal of infected animals, which can quickly grow out of control and lead to wide-scale outbreaks. Incineration radically reduces the risk of cross-contamination and the spread of disease.
Below is a list of commonly known outbreaks that can be eliminated through the incineration waste disposal process.
Anthrax | Rabies | Infectious Bronchitis | Anthrax |
Bovine viral diarrhoea (BVD) | Lyme disease | Fowl Pox | African swine fever |
Foot-and-mouth disease | Leptospirosis | Avian Influenza (Bird Flu) | Rabies |
Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR) | Equine encephalomyelitis | Avian Encephalomyelitis | Classical swine fever |

Matthews Environmental is a global leader within the combustion and incineration industry with manufacturing facilities in the United Kingdom, Europe, and the United States. Our equipment has become the brand of choice for the World Health Organization.
Matthews offers a wide range of incinerators designed to safely and efficiently handle the disposal of animal waste on either a batch or continuous basis while adhering to the most rigorous environmental standards.