Caso di studio: Progetto di incenerimento di resti animali
- Categoria: Home Page Case Studies - IT
The Matthews team custom-designed, built, and installed a gas-fired rotary incinerator plant with a capacity of 700kg/hour in...

Caso di studio: Risparmiare spazio nelle discariche e costi di trasporto
- Categoria: Home Page Case Studies - IT
The Hajj — an important pilgrimage to Makkah for Muslims everywhere — produces roughly 10,000 tons of animal waste over the five day festival. Historically, this waste has been landfilled, but MOMRA contracted Matthews Environmental Solutions to provide an incineration solution

Caso di studio: Impianto di incenerimento di rifiuti medici in Polonia
- Categoria: Home Page Case Studies - IT
The Matthews team custom-designed, built, and installed a medical incineration plant to process approximately 175kg/h.

Inceneritore per animali a bassa capacità per impianto di lavorazione
- Categoria: Home Page Case Studies - IT
Matthews designed, built, and installed a low capacity incineration plant capable of processing up to 800 kg/day of animal waste.